Our Terms of service

By using the site/portal known as Pulp.sg, the user hereby unreservedly agrees to the following with regards to the working spaces he or she signs up for. Breach of any clauses can result in immediate termination of the booking without refunds and may incur civil liabilities.

Terms of Service

By using the Site, Application or Services, you agree to comply with and be legally bound by the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service (“Terms“), whether or not you become a registered user of the Services. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Site, Application and Services and all Collective Content, and constitute a binding legal agreement between you and Pulp.sg. Please also read carefully our Privacy Policy.

In addition, certain areas of the Site and Application (and your access to or use of certain aspects of the Services or Collective Content) may have different terms and conditions, standards, guidelines, or policies posted or may require you to agree with and accept additional terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between these Terms and terms and conditions posted for a specific area of the Site, Application, Services, or Collective Content, the latter terms and conditions will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that area of the Site, Application, Services, or Collective Content.

If you do not agree to these Terms, you have no right to obtain information from or otherwise continue using the Site, Application or Services. Failure to use the Site, Application or Services in accordance with these Terms may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.

The site, application and services comprise an online platform through which hosts may create listings for work spaces and guests may learn about and book work spaces directly with the hosts. you understand and agree that pulp.sg is not a party to any agreements entered into between hosts and guests, nor is pulp.sg a real estate broker, agent or insurer. Pulp.sg has no control over the conduct of hosts, guests and other users of the site, application and services or any work spaces, and disclaims all liability in this regard to the maximum extent permitted by law.

If you choose to create a listing on pulp.sg, you understand and agree that your relationship with pulp.sg is limited to being a member and an independent, third-party contractor, and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of pulp.sg for any reason, and you act exclusively on your own behalf and for your own benefit, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of pulp.sg. Pulp.sg does not control, and has no right to control, your listing, your offline activities associated with your listing, or any other matters related to any listing, that you provide. As a member you agree not to do anything to create a false impression that you are endorsed by, partnering with, or acting on behalf of or for the benefit of pulp.sg, including by inappropriately using any pulp.sg intellectual property.

You acknowledge and agree that, by accessing or using the site, application or services or by downloading or posting any content from or on the site, via the application or through the services, you are indicating that you have read, and that you understand and agree to be bound by these terms and receive our services whether or not you have registered with the site and application. if you do not agree to these terms, then you have no right to access or use the site, application, services, or collective content. If you accept or agree to these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that company or other legal entity to these Terms and, in such event, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that company or other legal entity.

Upon using the site or booking a listing, the User agrees unreservedly:

To pay the said rent at the times and in the aforesaid manner without any deduction whatsoever.

To keep the interior of the said premises including the flooring and interior plaster or other surface material or rendering on walls and ceilings, doors, windows, wires, air- conditioning system and electrical installations and fittings in good and tenantable repair and condition (fair wear and tear and damage by lighting, explosion, riot, civil commotion or any other cause not arising out of the act, neglect or default of the Tenant excepted).

Not without the previous consent of the Landlord in writing which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld to erect or suffer to be erected any alterations in or additions to the said premises nor to cut, maim or injure or suffer to be cut, maimed or injured any of the walls or timbers thereof.

To permit the Landlord and the Superior Landlord or Landlords for the time being of the said premises and his or her or their respective agents, surveyors and work people to enter upon the said premises at all reasonable times and forthwith to make good any defects found upon the said premises of which notice shall be given by or on behalf of the Landlord.

To permit the Landlord and their duly authorised agents with or without workmen and others at all reasonable times to enter the said premises and to view the condition thereof and to do such works and things as may be required for any repairs to the said premises or any part or parts of the building and forthwith to repair, amend and make good in a proper and workmen like manner any defects for which the Tenant is liable and the costs thereof shall be a debt due from the Tenant to the Landlord and recoverable forthwith as such.

Not to do or suffer any act which shall amount to a breach or non-observance of any negative or restrictive covenant contained in the lease or other instrument under which the Landlord holds the said premises.

Not to store or bring upon the said premises any articles of a specially combustible, inflammable or dangerous nature and not to do or suffer anything by reason whereof the present or any future policy of insurance against fire on the building of which the said premises form part may be rendered void or avoidable or whereby the rate of premium thereon may be increased and to repay to the Landlord all sums paid by way of increased premium or increased contribution for premiums and all expenses incurred by the Landlord or contributions therefore in or about the renewal of such policy or policies rendered necessary by a breach or non-observance of this covenant.

Not to assign, sublet or otherwise part with a share possession of the said premises or any part thereof without the written consent of the Landlord.

The Landlord shall not be liable to the Tenant or the Tenant’s servants or agents or other persons in the said premises or persons calling upon the Tenant for any accidents happening, injury suffered, damage to or loss of any chattel property sustained on the said premises.

To use the premises for the purpose of business activity and not to permit the said premises or any part thereof to be used as a place for lodging, dwelling or sleeping.

Not to effect any structural alteration or the alteration of any air-condition duct or ducts in the said premises without the previous written consent of the Landlord.

To keep all windows and doors of the said premises shut when the air conditioning is in operation.

To yield up the said premises at the expiration or sooner determination of the term hereby created in good and substantial repair and condition in accordance with the Tenant’s obligations and to dismantle and remove from the premises all the Tenant's fixtures if so required by the Landlord and to make good any part or parts of the premises which may be damaged in such dismantling and or removal.

To apply for and obtain all necessary permits/licence etc from the relevant authorities for the use of the said premises for their trade.

At all times to observe the management corporation requirements laid down from time to time for the purpose of maintaining a uniform external appearance for the building.

At all times to comply with all such requirements and regulations as may already have been or shall hereafter be imposed on the Landlord or other occupier of the demised premises by the management corporation for the building or by any law, statute or act of parliament now Or hereafter; in force and any orders, rules, regulations and notices there under.

In the event that Goods and Services Tax ("GST") is imposed or charged by the government or tax authority on any sums received or receivable by the Landlord under this tenancy agreement" the Tenant shall be liable to pay the GST in the manner and within the period prescribed in accordance with the application laws. Where the Tenant defaults in such GST payment, the Landlord may make payment of the same and claim the equivalent amount from the Tenant as a debt due. Where it is prescribed by law that the Landlord is to make payment toward the GST) then the Tenant hereby agrees to reimburse the Landlord for the sums so paid forthwith.

To pay for reinstatement: upon the determination of this lease the landlord may reinstate the premises to its original condition at the tenant’s cost and this cost may be deducted from the said deposit but nothing herein contained shall mean that it is obligatory on the landlord to reinstate the premises as aforesaid – the obligation to do so being on the tenant at its expense.

If and whenever during the said booking fees hereby reserved or made payable or any of them of any part thereof shall be in arrears and unpaid for seven (7) days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not) or if and whenever there shall be any breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the covenants on the part of the Tenant herein contained or if the Tenant (being an individual) shall become bankrupt or whether compulsory or voluntary (save for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction of a solvent company) or have a receiver appointed of its undertaking or if the Tenant for the time being shall enter into an arrangement or composition for the benefit of the Tenant's creditors or shall suffer any distress or execution to be levied on the Tenant goods or if the Tenant's business has been re-registered or the certification of registration of business has been withdrawn or cancelled then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any time thereafter and notwithstanding the waiver of any previous right of re-entry, to re-enter into and upon the demised or any part thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon the said term shall absolutely cease and determine and any unused portions of rent/payments hereof shall be absolutely forfeited by the Landlord but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlord in respect of any branch of the Tenant's covenants herein contained.

Knowledge or acquiescence by the Landlord or any breach by the Tenant of any of the conditions or covenants herein contained shall not operate as or be deemed to be a waiver by the Landlord of such conditions or covenants or any of them and notwithstanding such knowledge, acquiescence and or indulgence, the Landlord shall be entitled to continue to exercise all its rights under this agreement and to require strict performance and observance by the Tenant of all the conditions and covenant in this agreement (including that which is breached by the Tenant and known and acquiesced to or granted indulgence by the Landlord as aforesaid) to be performed or observed by the Tenant and any consent or permission given by the Landlord shall not be effective or relied upon by the Tenant unless in writing and signed by the Landlord.

In case the said premises or any part thereof shall at any time during this tenancy be destroyed or damaged by fire lightning riot explosion or any other cause beyond the control of the parties hereto so as to be unfit for occupation and use, then and in every such case (unless the insurance money shall be wholly or partially irrecoverable by reason solely or in part of any act, default, neglect or omission of the Tenant or any of their servants agents occupiers guests or visitors), the booking fees hereby reserved or a just and fair proportion thereof according to the nature and extent of the destruction or damage sustained shall be suspended and cease to be payable in respect of any period while the said premises shall continue to be unfit for occupation and use by reason of such destruction or damage.

In case the said premises shall be destroyed or damaged as aforesaid, either party shall be at liberty by notice in writing to the other determine this tenancy, and upon such notice being given, this tenancy or the balance thereof shall absolutely cease and determine and the deposit paid hereunder together with a reasonable proportion of such advance booking fees as has been paid hereunder, where applicable, shall be refunded to the Tenant forthwith but without prejudice to any right of action of either party in respect of any antecedent breach of this Agreement by the other.

If any dispute or question whatsoever shall arise between the parties hereto with regard to the construction or effect of this agreement or any clause or thing herein contained or the rights, duties or liabilities of either party under this agreement or otherwise in connection with the with the demised premises the matter in difference shall be determined by a single arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration act or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force.

Any notice under this agreement required to be served upon the Tenant shall be sufficient if forwarded to the Tenant by registered post to the last known place of residence or business and any notice required to be served upon the Landlord shall be sufficiently served if delivered to his/her personally if sent to him/her by registered post to his/her last known place or residence or business. Any notice sent by registered post shall be deemed to be given at the time when in due course of post, it would be expected to be delivered to the address to which it is sent.